Perform the following steps to perform an OverSized CD-Copy:
Start Nero
From the action-bar select File and select Preferences.
In the Preferences window, select Expert Features (or Advanced settings for older versions) and select the Enable oversize disc... feature.
Choose a Maximum CD Length and click OK (82:59:59 is the maximum value that can be entered) and be aware of the risks explained in the warning.
From the action-bar select File and select CD Copy.
A window will appear when a CD is copied which is bigger than 74 minutes, click [OK] to start the oversize copy.
The OverSize feature also works fine when creating your own projects.
Keep in mind that it will only work with CD-Writers that support OverSizing.
The last few versions of Nero may cause other burn programs to fail! WinOnCD and Easy CD Creator both don't work anymore after installing Nero.
Download MMC_PXOV.EXE to be able to OverSize CD-R's over 77 minutes using Nero 3.0.7.x in combination with a PlexWriter 4/12 (RX-412) with firmware 1.06 or higher.
OverSize a CD-R using CDRWIN
CDRWIN doesn't need any additional parameters to be able to OverSize a CD-R.
Perform the following steps to do an OverSized CD-Copy:
In the CDRWIN - CDROM Recording Tools window click Backup Disc.
in the Backup Disc window click START to begin the CD-Copy operation.
A window will appear with the following message:
Warning: Disc longer than 74 minutes. Do you want to continue?
Click Yes to continue and what for the burn process to finish.
NOTE: Make sure you are using a CD-R which is big enough to hold the original CD!
OverSize a CD-R using Prassi CD Rep Plus
Perform the following steps to perform an OverSized CD-Copy:
Start Prassi
From the action-bar select File and select New.
In the New Job Set window, mark Copy Job and click OK.
In the Copy Job window enter a Job Name and click OK.
Select the CD-Reader (in the left window), click the right mouse-button and select Select as Copy job Source (a green arrow will appear next to it).
Select the CD-Writer (in the left window), click the right mouse-button and select Select for Recording (a red arrow will appear next to it).
Preferably mark the Copy the entire source CD... option to first create an image on HD and then writing it (make sure enough HD space is available).
From the action-bar select File and select Record (or Test).
In the Prassi CD Rep Plus - Recording and Timing Panel window, click Options.
In the Options window, goto the Blank Disc part and change the Size of blank media in sectors to the maximum value of 360000 sectors (= 80:00 minutes, 703.1 Mb). The software won't allow you to OverSize a 80 minutes CD-R (yet).
Use the pull-down button next to Test only and select Record (or any other write mode).
When ready Click Go! to start the CD-Copy process.
OverSize a CD-R using DiscJuggler
Perform the following steps to perform an OverSized CD-Copy:
Start DiskJuggler (1.05.238 or highter).
From the action-bar choose View and select Options.
In the Options window select the Defaults tab and change the Max image size to 80 min(s) (for v1.05.238) or 85 min(s) (for v1.05.238-TU RADIUM).
When ready click [OK].
From the action-bar choose File and select New.
In the New Task window select CD Player to CD Recorder and click OK.
In the Task 1 - CD Image to CD Recorder window select the following settings (all other settings should be left default):
Source & Destination Tab
Source Select Source CD-Image file
Destination Select Destination CD-Writer (if needed)
Pull-Down menu Select Write
Slower/Faster Select any speed needed
When ready click Start to start the copy process.